3M™ Probed Reusable Respirator Assembly 6200Q Medium, 4 ea per case
3M™ Probed Reusable Respirator Assembly 6200Q Medium, 4 ea per case

Technical Specifications
- Respirator assembly for quantitative fit testing on 3M Respirators 6000 Series
- Assembly includes probed facepiece and P100 filters
- Fit test assesses the fit of respirator to wearer’s face
- Probe inside the facemask allows measurement of leakage into the respirator
- Quantitative fit testing provides numerical results for documentation purposes
3M™ Probed Reusable Respirator Assembly 6000 Series may be used for quantitative fit testing. Fit tesing is done to measure the adequacy of a respirator’s fit to the wearer’s face. The probed facepeice allows for numerical measurement of the amount of leakage into the respirator. This respirator assembly includes a probed facepiece and P100 filters. Quantitative fit testing devices sold separately.
OSHA regulations require workers who need to wear a tight fitting respirator to undergo a fit test prior to initial use of the respirator. Fit tests must also be conducted annually, or sooner if there is any change in a worker’s physical condition that could affect the fit. Changes in physical condition include significant changes in body weight, facial surgery, or major dental work. This respirator assembly should only be used for fit testing and not for respiratory protection in contaminated areas.
If the fit of a respirator is not adequate, leakage can occur. Improper fit can result from many factors, including choosing the wrong size respirator and physical characteristics of the person wearing the respirator. A probed reusable respirator assembly can be used to quantitatively measure leakage to help determine if the fit is suitable.