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Standard Abrasives™ Quick Change TR Medium Holder Pad 546357, 2 in, TA4, 5 per c…
SKU: 7000122107
3M™ Unitized Wheel Mandrel 936, 2-1/16 in x 1/4 in x 3/4 in Plastic, 5 per case
SKU: 7000046309
3M™ Roto Peen Mandrel 7210, 1 per case
SKU: 7000046310
3M™ Roto Peen Mandrel 7211, 1 per case
SKU: 7000046311
3M™ Roto Peen Flap Assembly, 1 in x 2 in TC 330, 5 per case
SKU: 7000000787
3M™ Roto Peen Almen Strip Holder, 2 in x 7 in x 1 in, 1 per case
SKU: 7000046312
Free Shipping
3M™ Roto Peen Flap Assembly, 9/16 in x 1 in TC 330, 10 per case
SKU: 7000000788
3M™ Unitized Wheel Mandrel 934, 3-1/16 in x 1/4 in x 2-1/2 in, 1 per case
SKU: 7000028562
3M™ Mini Mandrel 935, 2-7/8 in x 1/4 in, 5 per case
SKU: 7100009221
3M™ Spindle Extender Kit 300, 1 per case
SKU: 7000121185
Standard Abrasives™ Quick Change TS Medium Disc Pad w/TA4 541051, 3/4 in, 5 per …
SKU: 7000121636
Standard Abrasives™ Quick Change TS Medium Disc Pad w/TA4 541052, 1 in, 5 per ca…
SKU: 7000121637
Standard Abrasives™ Medium Holder Pad Fits Black and Decker™ Tools 543629, 4-1/2…
SKU: 7000121639
Standard Abrasives™ Resin Fiber Medium Holder Pad 543632, 5 in, 5 per case
SKU: 7000046723
Standard Abrasives™ Mandrel, 540013, 1/4 in TA4, 5 per inner, 50 per case
SKU: 7000121641
Standard Abrasives™ Unitized Mandrel, 850029, 1/4 in Shank, Combo, 10 per case
SKU: 7000121642
Standard Abrasives™ easy Hand Pad Holder 827000, 1 per case
SKU: 7100106981
Standard Abrasives™ Hook and Loop Disc Pad 840042, 4-1/2 in x 5/8-11 F, 1 per ca…
SKU: 7000121841
Standard Abrasives™ Hook and Loop Disc Pad 840050, 5 in x 5/8-11 F, 1 per case
SKU: 7000121842
Standard Abrasives™ Hook and Loop Holder Pad 840052, 5 in x 5/16-24M Velour, 1 p…
SKU: 7000121843

Handheld Power Tools for Abrasives

Ward & Kennedy Co. has all sorts of handheld and power tools for manufacturing. From abrasive belt sanders to clean air vacuum systems, we have it all. Heavy duty tools can provide extra power. Handheld models can be easily carried around for detail work. Order your new tools from Ward & Kennedy online for greater savings.

Dynabrade Finishing ToolsUse abrasive tools for the following applications:

  • Blending
  • Cleaning
  • Deburring
  • Dust extraction
  • Dry and moist finishing
  • Grinding
  • Hardwood and metal sanding
  • Paint removal
  • Polishing
  • Sanding
  • Varnish application

Finishing Tool Accessories

Complete your tools with the correct abrasives from Ward & Kennedy:

  • Cones
  • Burrs
  • Brushes
  • Spiral bands
  • Cross and Square pads

Design and Fabricate with Ward & Kennedy

Ward & Kennedy is a leading supplier handheld power tools made by 3M, Dynabrade, and Mirka. A leading product designer, fabricator, and supplier, our online store keep businesses all over the world fully stocked. We provide digital/die-cut solutions to all sorts of industries. Ask our team to fulfill all your product or supply needs.

Contact Ward & Kennedy for more tape products or to order in bulk.

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